

FlexPod is a converged infrastructure solution (stack) from NetApp and Cisco. It is provided to the user in the form of a ready-made stack of devices and software for managing network server equipment and storage.

FlexPod offers the user its own proven software for working with a data center (data center).

Cisco USC Universal Server Solutions

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FlexPod is powered by information storage solutions from NetApp E series or NetApp SolidFire (SF), FAS, and also operates on servers from Cisco (UCS series) and Cisco Nexus switches (FlexPod Express and FlexPod Datacenter).

The main task of FlexPod is to provide the end user with a set of configured, reliable, unified combinations of devices and management software to ensure the stable functioning of the corporate IT infrastructure and network.

FlexPod provides ready-made computing and information storage resources, allows you to create a cloud computing system or create a ready-made environment for application and technological software.

All FlexPod solutions are delivered to customers through NetApp and Cisco branches or offices, and are also offered by official intermediaries and system integrators — representatives of these vendors.

Configuration models of delivery

All FlexPod products (Select, Express, Datacenter and SF) are delivered to the end user in the form of assembled configurations in telecommunication cabinets with a size of 42 units (42-RU).

Inside such a cabinet there are devices for storing information, network and server equipment. The FlexPod Select model can be used without Cisco UCS Converged Factory (UCS Fabric Interconnect) devices.

In addition to all of the above, there are open specification options on the market that allow customers themselves to implement a FlexPod configuration from already available components.

The Express configuration (formerly called ExpressPod) is an oversized, simple and cheaper version of the Datacenter configuration, which is delivered to the user in the office (24-RU) or assembled at the client’s facility in his equipment rack.

NetApp Information storage Solutions

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FlexPod Architecture

FlexPod usually includes such components:

  • FlexPod Express, Datacenter and SF must contain Cisco Nexus switches.
  • FlexPod Select may not be part of the Nexus, as it connects directly to the server hardware, although this configuration also provides for the connection of Nexus switches (as a layer).
  • FlexPod Express UCS-managed may also not use Nexuses, because the main task of the configuration is to introduce Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect and UCS Manager with storage connection into the converged Cisco UCS factory.
  • FlexPod computing power is based on Cisco UCS servers and Cisco UCS Manager management software.
  • The configuration storage is NetApp, FAS, AFA, SolidFire or E-series.
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