
Desktop as a Service

DaaS (Desktop as a Service or Desktop as a service) is a scheme for providing services on the cloud, where each user is allocated his own turnkey desktop with a set of necessary and application software.

Virtual infrastructure

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How it works

DaaS is not a separate software, but a whole set of software that is offered to the user in the form of a full-fledged desktop. The difference between a regular desktop and a DaaS is only that the hardware and software are not installed on the user’s physical PC, but are provided to him in virtual form.

The client can access the remote desktop only if it is possible to connect to the Internet. You can work in DaaS both from a desktop PC and via a tablet, smartphone, laptop. In this case, the clients will be called “thin”. With this connection, VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) technology will be used.

VDI allows you to run your virtual IT infrastructure and deploy full-fledged desktops based on remote servers. Minimal system requirements are imposed on “thin” clients, which will be enough only to receive an image on the display, as well as send commands to the server, which will process them in the future. In our case, commands will be called pressing certain keyboard keys, clicking different mouse buttons, moving it or tapping on the touch screen of a tablet / smartphone.

The client desktop is provided for a specific enterprise or its separate division. In each case, a specific set of software is offered that is necessary to solve specific tasks.

The client, who is granted access to the remote server, receives on the display the results of his actions (commands entered), which are processed by the provider’s server facilities. At the same time, the display plays the role of a “mirror” of the desktop, which is located in the cloud infrastructure.

The standard DaaS package usually includes a specific operating system, an Internet browser for network access, a text editor, an application for reading certain types of files (for example, PDF) and an archiver.

You need to pay for a cloud desktop once a month. Moreover, the DaaS provider is responsible for the deployment, management and maintenance of the remote desktop.


A virtual desktop is an effective IT infrastructure management tool, thanks to which it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of both an individual division of the company and the enterprise as a whole. DaaS allows you to implement the most convenient, secure and simple interaction of various devices within the same network, increasing its mobility, as well as making all these devices independent of geographical location.

The maximum benefit from using DaaS can be obtained by small and medium-sized companies that are unwilling or unable to invest large amounts of money in buying new or upgrading existing hardware resources.

Thanks to DaaS, it is possible to make the opening of new branches of the company faster and more efficient, providing them with the necessary number of jobs, or quickly connect remote workers.

DaaS is a good solution for working with contracting companies, office and “mobile” employees, as well as with ordinary classic workplaces (operators, cashiers, etc.) within any enterprise.

Advantages of DaaS

Benefits from the introduction of technology into the enterprise:

  • The costs and monthly expenses for the maintenance and maintenance of the IT infrastructure are reduced. The cost of infrastructure ownership decreases, and the need to solve problems related to improving hardware resources and purchasing licensed software disappears.
  • An increased degree of readiness of the newly created workplace. DaaS minimizes the time to deploy a new desktop with the necessary set of software, as well as provide access to it.
  • Improving the efficiency of each individual employee of the enterprise. Each employee spends much less time accessing the software that is needed to solve work tasks.
  • >Protection of important and confidential information for the company. Only the software that can turn the device into a “thin” client is installed on employees’ gadgets. All other data (important and confidential) is stored on third-party servers. The use of DaaS provides for the application of corporate standards in terms of information protection, which provides not only the protection of this information, but also its backup, as well as ensuring the continuous functioning of the business as a whole. Corporate data will be protected not only from unauthorized access and theft, but also from various natural disasters
  • Providing access to the desktop from anywhere in the world. There are no restrictions for DaaS in terms of the geographical location of an employee of the company. The main condition for accessing a remote desktop is the availability of a stable Internet connection and a mobile gadget or laptop PC.
  • The opportunity to choose the most suitable tariff plan for yourself. Companies that provide remote desktops to the client usually offer them flexible tariff plans. You can choose exactly what a particular company needs, rather than buying extra software “in the kit”.
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