Preparation for GDPR certification
Meeting the requirements of GOST R 57580
Post-service support
We are preparing documents for the regulator
More than 10 years on the market
What is GDPR
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates how companies should protect the personal data of EU citizens. EU law defines this data as Personal Data or Personally Identifiable Information (PII). The upto document came into force in 2018 and affects even those organizations that are registered in other countries and do not have branches in EU countries, but process the data of European citizens
Key requirements
GDPR on Privacy
and data protection includes:
The GDPR establishes a basic set of standards for companies processing personal data of EU citizens to better protect this data
Legality of the processing of user data (consent, legitimate interest, etc.)
Appointment of a DPO (data protection officer) to monitor compliance with GDPR
Sending notifications about data leaks
Safe operation of processors (contractors)
Pseudonymizing data whenever possible
Secure data transfer across the borders of the European Union
Conducting assessments of the impact of new measures/processes on data protection
A reasonable approach to ensuring protection and awareness of employees is "not for show"
Why perform a GDPR compliance check
GDPR applies to all
Individuals and legal entities operating in Europe or targeting EU citizens, as well as those providing data processing services
The Regulation affects all types of PII
Full name, date of birth, address, phone, email, photo, link to personal website, links to social media profiles, etc.
Penalties are provided for violation of the GDPR
Up to 20 million euros or 4% of the total annual turnover, depending on which amount is more
During the audit, specialists ITGLOBAL.COM Security checks:
- The composition of the data
- Legality of the grounds for data processing
- Organizational policies and procedures
- Employee awareness
- Respect for the rights and interests of subjects
- Employee awareness
- Agreements with the Company and interaction with third parties
- Record management and security

What is included in the service
The study of processes
Implementation in a private cloud for highly loaded databases. With the ability to host one database on one dedicated server, up to 6 TB of RAM on the server
GDPR compliance check
Implementation in a private cloud for highly loaded databases. With the ability to host one database on one dedicated server, up to 6 TB of RAM on the server
Information security risk analysis
Implementation in a private cloud for highly loaded databases. With the ability to host one database on one dedicated server, up to 6 TB of RAM on the server
Preparation for GDPR compliance
Implementation in a private cloud for highly loaded databases. With the ability to host one database on one dedicated server, up to 6 TB of RAM on the server
Preparation of documentation
Implementation in a private cloud for highly loaded databases. With the ability to host one database on one dedicated server, up to 6 TB of RAM on the server
What you get
According to the results of the analysis, specialists ITGLOBAL.COM Security develops a data flow map, a roadmap and expert recommendations for meeting GDPR requirements, as well as provides justifications for assigning a DPO and conducting a DPIA. During the audit, we work with you to form the optimal set of measures and clarify the requirements of the regulations in the context of your particular activity.
In addition, we analyze compliance with the local legislation of the country in which you are located or plan to be located.

Our clients